Tuesday, February 20, 2007


So new blog and thought I would explain my title. There is this old Harrison Ford movie entitled Regarding Henry where Ford plays a lawyer, named Henry who is known for taking advantage of the less fortunate in return for large paydays and success. He's shot one night, loses his memory and ability to function at his former job. As the the movie progresses, he is shown who he was and in seeing it he begins to be changed into someone else. He apologizes for past wrongs and changes his whole way of life

I always found this movie a bit cheesy but intriguing because I think it relates to the day God awoke me spiritually and showed me who I was. A day in which God ransomed me from death and I began to live. So here I begin. A blog to reflect on the past, assess the present, and attempt to push on toward the future.

"Because when You showed me myself, I became someone else." Michael Stipe


Justin Vance said...

I gotta tell you man... I'm a bit excited... let's get this ball rolling

insight is a blessing

Service Specialist 1 said...

i guess this is something else i'll have to check now, thanks a lot matt...