Thursday, March 15, 2007

lay it down

Its been a a difficult week for me. One of those weeks where I've been sitting in reflection and self evaluation. And this is always hard because without fail something is brought to the surface of my life that I really don't to hear or feel. I'm growing to love early mornings and its a good thing because I get up quite early 5 days out of the week. Monday was especially big. I'm driving to work just having this conversation with God and its completely audible on my part (the looks I got from the people in the cars around me was pretty amazing). And I'm begging God to show me where to go and where He's leading my life and family. This idea of obedience kept coming to the surface and I kept saying over and over, "Ijust want to obey You God and do things your way." And then God asked me, If you want to obey Me, then why haven't you been baptized?" My world broke. And this has been an issue with me. I began to think as customary for me. And this began to unfold for me the rest of the day and the next, God just began revealing things that I struggle with that ultimately find their roots in disobedience and pride. And the voice of God just started to say, "Lay it down. Lay it down! Lay down your disobedience and your pride. Lay them down and never pick them up. Please don't ever try to pick them back up again."

In Matthew, Jesus says, "Come to me all who are burdened and heavy ladened. Come to me and find rest. My burden is light and yoke is easy." And what Jesus is saying is lay it down. Lay it all down, all the frustration from your own pride and disobedience. Whatever you do just lay down your life for Me and to Me but not to walk away empty handed. He invites us to take up His work, take up His burden. The beautiful thing is that whenever I'm doing what work God has drawn me into, I have never felt negatively toward it.

So lay it down. Whatever it is, just lay it down.


p.s. i just burnt my tongue on hot coffee.

1 comment:

Justin Vance said...

well said my friend... it's hard to lay junk down sometimes because the enemy deceives us into thinking we can do it better ourselves... ah, to see the truth.

i love you my brother, looking forward to talking soon...